Was sent a steam key by Amir to try the updates that were pushed since I refunded. Physics are better but still not quite there. The wing actually surges now after pulling full brakes (still feels a bit off timing wise though). The biggest thing to me is that there were updates. To me I still believe this would be classed as early access. I also understand that the main market is probably standalone hardware which is why the graphics are quite simple. I hope to see the game is given further updates but I still wouldn’t purchase the game at $10. The tutorial was helpful, but a little “rough around the edges” — but enough where I had some confidence that if I was indeed able to jump out of the plane, I could manage to “fly like an eagle” and land without having to be scraped up off the virtual pavement. I chose the plane and the night-time Statue of Liberty and all the easy settings… and happily managed to launch myself into the air from the back of the plane!! Yay! Emergency Hamburg Car

How to run SKYDIVE Off A TOWER roblox script / Exploit /Code / Hack and cheat